Which software and Internet services fit you the best
What software will come with your brand-new computer?
The manufacturer of your brand-new computer will have already added some application software to your computer so that you might be able to type a letter, design a website, manage your finances or many other things. The sales person who sold you your new computer might have said, "your computer already has software loaded on it". As I stated before, this is usually going to be "bare-bones" software. But this does mean that some application software has already been installed on your brand-new computer.
Each computer is completely different and one night the preinstalled. Usually there will be some kind of word processing software such as "Microsoft Works", usually it software that you were hoping for. When I say this, what I mean is that Microsoft office usually does not come installed with a working license. It may come installed, but usually it is as a "trial". There is usually some kind of "Notepad" program that is installed which allows you to do some simple formatting of the document. Also as stated previously, there is usually some type of financial management software such as Quicken that is installed. Let's not forget the games, usually there is "solitaire", "spades" and other games installed. This preinstalled software is often times referred to as "bundled software".
Make sure that when the store offers to sell you a computer that is bundled with software, you understand that there is a downside to this. We do not purchase the software out right from the manufacturer, you do not usually on the installation disk. Often times with bundled software you will have issues obtaining technical assistance if you need it. This is because installation disks (provided when you purchase the software out right from the manufacturer of the software), often times have a serial or registration number associated with that software. When you have the original serial number for the software this confirms that you have actually purchased it and then the manufacturer will often times give you technical assistance or support for that software. This way manufacturers are protecting themselves against individuals who might have stolen or "pirated" the software.
Being involved with Denver computer services, it is not uncommon that I come across a machine that does have pirated software or stolen software on it. Make sure that if you are purchasing the software that you know without a doubt you are purchasing authentic software. Purchasing pirated software can often lead to viruses, and obviously no technical support.
I discussed "trial software" earlier which is often times referred to as a "trial version". Software manufacturers often times include these trial versions of their software with the bundled software that comes installed on your computer at the time of purchase. At the end of the trial, the software will often times request that you purchased the software in order to continue utilizing it. If you do this, and you purchased the software online it is yours to keep on "that" computer. The downside to doing this is that when you replace your new computer, you might have to repurchase that software all over again because you did not actually on a physical disk from which to install it.
These are a couple of things to look for when purchasing a brand-new computer with preinstalled software. Not all bundled software is bad, nor are all trial versions not worth purchasing. I just wanted to bring out some common sense questions that you might consider when working with your preinstalled or bundled software.
I really don't care for bundled software or pre-installed software and I just delete it when I get my new computer. I wonder what your opinion of that is?